Live the life you deserve.
Rock ‘n roll and a leap of faith.
After studying film at NYU, I landed my dream job working in the music video department at a major record label (yes, those departments existed). This led me to running the video division of an LA production company to owning a business here in Seattle as an agent for directors and their companies.
I got married (25 years and counting), hit the pause button to stay at home with our 2 kids (now in college), and eventually, started my business again.
But here’s the thing: I always had a sneaking suspicion that something else was calling my name. I flirted with the idea of becoming a coach for years until flirting wasn’t cutting it any longer and I made the first move. Turns out that coaching is something I have been doing in one form or another for years but I just never knew I was doing it.
Fruit Loops, SpaghettiOs, and white bread. Oh my.
Oh my is right. Like most Americans in the 70's, the only fresh vegetables I ate were carrot and celery sticks, and anything else green got carefully picked out and put to the side. When I moved to NYC, I started getting more adventurous which for me was eating asparagus tips from a can, black beans, and Indian food. It was the move to the West Coast that sealed the deal.
There was a diagnosis of Graves Disease (a thyroid autoimmune condition), infertility (thanks IVF), and a daughter with Hashimoto's Disease that sparked a passion for using food for healing. Over the years I have taught myself to enjoy, prepare and even grow foods like broccoli, arugula, zucchini, chard, beets and so many more. This felt audacious for me because it required stepping out of my comfort zone.
Now I audaciously try stuff like spirulina in my green smoothies, Bulletproof coffee, fruits and vegetables with strange names (ugli fruit anyone?), exercising every damn day, and lots of other things that I could never have imagined doing before. I have become intrepid in my quest for a healthy, audacious life.
Food and mood coach — for your audacious life.
I studied Life Coaching at the Martha Beck Institute. I learned tools to help people understand and move beyond their fears, shift their perspectives and, first and foremost, how to truly pay attention to what they are thinking, feeling and doing to get un-stuck and move towards the lives they truly want to be living. (I know, right?!).
I added my passion for all things food-related by getting certified as a Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. In addition to studying over 100 different dietary theories, I learned strategies for helping clients create new habits and lifestyle changes. I’m also a certified Culinary Nutrition Expert which means that I can help people eat in a way that best supports their bodies through a variety of things (menopause anyone?). The amount of information out there can be overwhelming but wading through it all is one of the things that lights me up.
Interested in becoming a health coach yourself? Check out more information here.
Where I can help.
I connect with people in a way that is a combo-plate of straightforward, empathetic and smart-ass. I use (and will teach you) tools that can help you to recognize and question your limiting beliefs, trust your “gut” instincts and simply remind you to get out of your own way and be present in your life.
As we age we often find that some of the things that have worked well for us our whole lives start to change, but we keep doing them, thinking things will "go back to normal". Except sometimes they don't. And then there is a 'new normal'.
Together we will make a plan that will help guide you home to yourself and the life you want.
11 Audacious Life Facts About Me, the Lisa Levine
I believe in the following (in no particular order): myself, my kids, good food, great tequila, the power of community, singing loudly in the car, an unapologetic overuse of hyphens, punctuation marks and parenthesis, the benefits of regular exercise and remembering to be grateful on a daily basis.
I used to be 50 pounds heavier than I am now. Feeling lighter is rad.
I never even tasted broccoli or asparagus or kale or most vegetables until I was in my twenties. Now I love them and I eat vegetables at almost every meal.
I truly have faith that we are all inextricably connected to the universe and everything in it. This gives me a lot of peace when I start to slip down the proverbial rabbit hole.
I grew up in suburban Philadelphia and I am pretty sure that I could not have even pointed to Seattle on a map, let alone imagine that I would live here one day. My husband and I moved here over 25 years ago. Now we can’t imagine ever leaving.
I can usually name that tune in six notes or less. And I have a weird knack for remembering arbitrary pop culture facts.
I had lots of crazy adventures when I lived in NYC and Hollywood but I don’t kiss and tell…
My favorite places include farmers' markets, coffee shops, dive bars and consignment stores. And beaches. I love beaches. And co-working spaces! Working there always inspires my creativity and productivity.
I am kind of preoccupied with food as nutrition, not just as fuel. I could spend all day reading recipes and talking about what's delicious, local and in season and the alchemy of turning it into healthy fare. You will always find at least 2 different cookbooks beside my bed at all times.
I’m a little bit country and a little bit rock & roll (but way more rock & roll really).
My lucky number is 11.
Finding audaciousness in and around me.