L-e-t-s-c-o, let’s coach, let’s coach!
Get your coach on.
As I have mentioned in my blog (and out loud to anyone that will listen), The Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) was a fabulous experience for me.
It allowed me a deeper dive into all things wellness related.
It also helped me grow my business.
I got clearer on my personal path.
Plus, I got to learn tons of amazing stuff from leaders in the fields of health and nutrition. It’s really where The Audacious Life was born.
If you’re passionate about health and wellness and you’d like to have a career that allows you the freedom to live the life you want while you’re changing the world for the better, you can save on tuition by dropping my name.
If you have any questions about the program, shoot me an email at lisa@audaciouswellness.com and I would be happy to chat with you personally.
Life Coaching vs. Health Coaching
Ever since I started what I like to call my "Coaching 2.0" journey, I've had lots of people say to me, "Lisa, what exactly is the difference between a Life Coach and a Health Coach?" With that in mind I have created a little primer.
Without further ado, here is your guide to Life Coaching vs. Health Coaching, and a look at how some kind of coaching might be helpful in your life.
Coaches empower people to change their lives.
As a Life Coach, I help people change their lives by changing their thinking. I’m like a personal trainer - for your mind. I can teach you how to understand and overcome your fears and frustrations, how to shift your perspective, how to tune in and reconnect to your body, and, first and foremost, how to truly Pay Attention to what you are thinking, feeling and doing. Just the simple act of Paying Attention alone can be life changing! If you find yourself stalled out or at a crossroads, then hiring a Life Coach is just the ticket.
As a Health Coach, I believe that food is all the things that sustain your life, not just what you find on your plate. Your career, relationships, spirituality, hobbies - anything that you feel passionate about - can be considered a primary food. As the IIN teaches, “When primary food is balanced and satiated, your life feeds you, making what you actually eat secondary.” And if what you actually eat makes you feel so tired and crappy that you don't have the energy to do the things that feed your soul, then I can help you get back in balance. In addition to studying over 100 different dietary theories, I have learned numerous strategies for helping clients create new habits and lifestyle changes. I can help you feel healthy, energized and back on track with your primary and your secondary foods.
As a Life Coach I encourage you to explore the places in your life where you feel stuck or uncomfortable. I give prompts and ask questions that help you dig deeper towards the light so you can move forward. Sometimes the questions are harder to answer than you might think (i.e. what would you do if you knew you could not fail?). I listen carefully to what you are saying and not saying. Then, together, we can look at things from a different angle. It's like having brand new batteries for your flashlight on a camping trip.
As a Health Coach I read between the lines of your Health History pre-work. I employ Active Listening skills and ask questions that encourage you to really look at what feeds your body, mind and spirit. I don't expect you to immediately change everything and jump headfirst into 2 hours of daily meditation and the land of green smoothies. It's important to me to find out where you are on your health journey and meet you there.
Coaches trust that each client has their own special path. We are there to shine a light, not to chart the course.
As a Life Coach I don't know what's best for you - but somewhere inside yourself, you do. The new resources I give you can help you tune in to your unique Essential Self and move towards your destiny with joy and excitement. By shining light into forgotten corners that have become dusty and dark, your path gets brighter and clearer, leading you home to yourself.
As a Health Coach I know that bio-individuality is key to achieving sustainable health and wellbeing. There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all diet or lifestyle. One person's diet of yoga and vegetarianism is another person's diet of HIIT and Paleo. It all depends on your body, your genetics, your beliefs and what lights you up. Together we can see what is working and what is not working. By listening to your body we can create a plan that works specifically for you.
As a Life Coach I am your biggest cheerleader. I am also the person who calls bullsh*t if it looks like you might be floating down the river of denial. If you are hiring me to help you move past a roadblock or navigate through some rough water, it serves us both to keep focused and make the most of your time by being honest and straightforward.
The same goes for me as your Health Coach. If what you are doing is no longer working then it's time to do something different. The best way to create transformation and growth is to show up. If you are committed to change then I can help you get there.
In my practice as a Life Coach, you decide how many times you want to meet (I recommend at least 4 or 6). Sessions are 60 minutes and take place via phone or Skype. I provide notes after the session and encourage you to take your own notes as well. I often give action items and homework in between sessions to help you move through a challenging time or dream and scheme your way toward your heart's desire.
As your Health Coach I will meet with you twice a month, for 3 or 6 months. Sessions are 50 minutes and take place in person, on the phone or via Skype. I will provide you with information and recommendations that you can implement as we work together. We set concrete goals so that you can experience measurable change and success by the end of our time together.
There are lots of compassionate, bright and intuitive Coaches out there right now. Every one of them brings his or her, own "special sauce" to the equation. Most Coaches offer a free consultation that will give you both a chance to ask questions and get a sense of each other. The key is finding a coach whose style and approach most resonate with you. All good Coaches want their clients to live their happiest and healthiest lives and we know that when you show up for yourself you can achieve just that!