9 Reasons Why You Need to Take Yourself on a Wellness Retreat


Hello friends!

It's been super busy at Audacious Health & Wellness lately.  Between launching a 4 week Wellness program, teaching classes at The Riveter and Sweetgrass Food Co., getting my son off to college, my daughter into her senior year of high school and myself started in classes at the Academy of Culinary Nutrition it's been a whirlwind start to fall. 

Taking Jake to college was probably the biggest event of all of them as it was quite bittersweet. I was kind of in denial about it all summer and it hit me harder than expected. Not so much the part about him leaving, but more that it was the end of an important chapter in our lives and I've been feeling the impact of that realization in the days since we dropped him off. I'm sure there is a blog post brewing about it so stay tuned for next week when I get my thoughts down on paper (or on the screen as the case may be).

In the meantime, I want to talk about one of my all-time favorite subjects: self care.

Self care can include everything from eating well and regularly moving your body to practicing self-compassion and remembering to take the time to simply pause, breathe and reflect every day. I've talked about the importance of self-care a ton - notably here and here -  but today I want to invite you to participate in some self-care with me in person.I am leading my Yes, THIS!  Wellness Retreat again in October with my friend and colleague Dr. Louise Rose and I would love for you to join us. It's on the Oregon Coast (so beautiful in the fall!) and it's the PERFECT place to engage in some exquisite self-care. If you've never taken yourself on a retreat before (and even if you have) I urge you to consider this one.  If you need further persuading, here are the top 10 reasons you actually owe it to yourself to consider retreating with us next month:

1. It's time to make yourself a priority.

As women we know about the importance of self-care but we don't always make it a priority. We must attend to our own bodies, minds and spirits if we are to be of any use to ourselves or anyone else. Taking yourself on a retreat is an excellent way of investing in yourself and bumping self-care to the top of the priority list.

2. Investing in yourself always comes back in spades.

Any time we dive deep and/or make space for rest and play there is a reward. Sometimes you get it immediately and other times there's a ripple effect but it always pays off.

3. You'll learn new things (or remember things you forgot you already knew).

Sometimes the "aha" moments come when you have an insight that's completely new and sometimes it's all about the familiar but forgotten "Yes, THIS!" moments. Either way, it's a chance to increase your repertoire of tools and rituals that will help you stay healthy, achieve your goals and reaffirm to that feeling great in your body and your in life is within your grasp!

4. It's a great way to reconnect with yourself.

Our daily world is full of distractions and our 'lizard brains' are full of 'shoulds' and excuses that strive to keep us from going inward. A retreat is the perfect place to quiet those distractions and lizard voices.

5. It's fun!

Go somewhere lovely, get a little pampered, take deep breaths, learn something new, have some laughs, get out of your 'everyday' zone. Really. You'll love it!

6. You'll grow a little.

By getting even a little bit out of your comfort zone you open yourself up to transformation and growth. And isn't that the name of the game?

7. You'll unplug.

You know how sometimes you need to unplug and reboot your computer, your phone or your iPad to get them back online and fully functional again? Guess what? It works for your BMS (Body, Mind & Spirit) too. Being on a retreat is a great way to get rebooted and back up to a healthy speed.

8. You'll meet and connect with some new people.

Humans are tribal by nature. Retreats can be a great way to either grow your tribe or have some of the, "me, too!" moments that make us feel tribally connected. Whether you are an introvert or an extrovert there is a retreat for you. In order for you to get the most from your retreat, be TAO (Transparent, Authentic & Open) about who you are, what you want and why you are participating. When the retreat is over you get to take that connected energy home with you to make you stronger.

9. Rejuvenate, Reinvigorate and Re-empower yourself. 

Retreats are a chance to reconnect to your vibrancy and your solid gold centerWhat are you envisioning for yourself in the months and year to come? It's time to get clear on that vision then have the motivation and energy to start moving towards it.

At Yes, THIS! you'll get valuable 1:1 time with a Naturopathic Doctor AND a Life & Health Coach.
We bring a unique combination of expertise to the party. We live and breathe all things wellness related and are devoted to helping you get the most out of these retreats.



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